Thursday, September 20, 2012

as any of you who have read my blogs, i'm not politically correct. i don't intend to offend, but i don't apologize for who i am. i was navy wife barbie in public for almost 2 decades and i will not surrender my identity for anyone or anything.

so...obviously i'm not crude, but if you are of the sensitive nature and any of my writings offend you, just move along. you are welcome to not read them...

ahhhh...with all that said, i have not offended any of my spark brothers or sisters to my knowledge. i just started with that disclaimer after i wrote the word 'chick' in my title and considered re-wording. why would i re-word. they are mine. i own them.

onto the actual awesome 16 yr old daughter and her future farmers of america chapter made it to state yet again this year for another category! yay them. they work and study so hard.

i was unable to chaperone the last overnight state trip so i was thrilled when i got to do this one.

i get an email from the teacher that me and another (who i happened to know is extremely over protective and treats her perfectly normal daughter like an invalid and reminds me very much of kristen chenovich's character on the GCB) and told us we would have to figure out driving arrangements since the kids would all be riding in the van and that we would be sharing a room.

here's my driving arrangement. i'm going the 5 hour drive thru florida, top down on the jeep getting some rays. you are welcome to join me other crazy mom.

she'd love to she said and she's bringing her 5 YEAR OLD GRANDBABY THAT SHE IS RAISING WITH US.


so i've already decided that i'm not sharing a room with a 5 yr old that isn't blood or that i'm required to love. i didn't like sharing hotel rooms with my own kids when they were little. oh hell no

so i send a side email to the teacher who is equally mortified. she suggests i stay with 3 of the teenage girls (including mine) and the crazy mom's daughter can stay in teh room with her and the 5 yr old.

crazy mom didn't like that. she thinks her daughter would rather (really? rather?) stay with the other girls.

the most awesomist teacher found a diplomatic way to let the crazy mom know that this was her apple that upset the apple cart so basically get over it or pay for your own damn room.

seriously? who does that?

3.5 miles made me feel better but it didn't make her less of space invader oblivious dumb A**

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Foodie's Wellness Journey

so here it is...

i freaking love food.
new food
comfort food
semi-odd food
beautiful food
food network
cooking actually brings me zen

so what's a foodie girl to do?

my, uh, we'll call it a hobby (obsession), has caused my wellness journey to be more challenging.

the good news is i'm not truely glutanous. i'm not a buffet girl so much as a try a little of everything girl.

one of our favorite past times is trying out restaurants that tv travel shows have been to. Triple D being my favorite. i have tried some of the most incedible things.

i have an app on my phone from that even has an option to create road trips.

here's a great thing we have learned about trying, but not over-do'ing....

he orders one item, i order another. we each eat 1/4 of our own and 1/4 of the others and take the rest home for later. the kids just hammer down whatever. they like fruits and veggies and eat balanaced (excpet for when my son tries to convince me that hot fries are a veg). they have extrodinary metabolisms and are all (except the one in college) high school athletes.

we lay off most of the sides, such as fries, that are not unique or that you can get anywhere.

i understand that WHAT you eat is as important as how much. This is not the ultimate option, but it's working for us.

we have met some incredible characters and made some fantastic memories. without our crazy hobby, i would have never understood the joy of chargrilled oysters from drago's in new orleans. call it emotional eating, judge me too...i don't care. my mouth waters at the thought of these yummy little protein and zinc filled treasures covered in garlic and parm!!!
woo hoo